2024. ArchDaily.com 20th November. Features the project for BS Artist Studio in Lisbon
2024. AFASIA blogspot, 07th November, Spain. Features the project for BS Artist Studio in LIsbon
2024. Carvalho, Ricardo, Arquitectura Público Cidade, Tinta-da-China, Lisboa, Portugal. ISBN 9789896718565
2022. Carvalho, Ricardo, “Todas as Direcções”, Note, Lisboa, Portugal. Limited and numbered edition to 200. ISBN 978 989 9967 342.
2022. Arquitectura: como aprendemos?, Pereira da Silva, Ana Sofia (ed.) Note, Lisboa. ISBN 978 989 996 7335. Features an interview to Ricardo Carvalho.
2021. ArchDaily.com 22th September. Features the project for Ribeira 11.
2021. Carvalho, Ricardo, “Work Situation Process/ Obra Situação Processo”, A+A Books, Lisboa, Portugal. ISBN 978 989 544 0146.
2021. Swiss Architectural Award 2020, Navone, Nicola (Ed.) Mendrisio Academy Press/ Silvana Editoriale, Switzerland. ISBN 978 883 664 1970. Features the award candidates.
2021. Carvalho, Ricardo, “From Siedlungen to SAAL. The Social City as a Continuum” in RITA issue 15 Spain. ISSN: 2340-9711 / e-ISSN: 2386-7027.
2020. Carvalho, Ricardo, “Construir el Barrio: Portugal 1930–1970” in De la Chabola al Barrio Social. Arquitecturas, Políticas de Vivienda y Actitudes Sociales en la Europa der Sur (1920-1980), Comares, Granada, Spain. ISBN 9788490458495.
2020. AFASIA blogspot, 28th September, Spain. Features the project for Ribeira 11.
2020. ABITARE web magazine 20th September, Italy. Features the project for Ribeira 11. Critical text by Elisa Pegorin.
2019. Carvalho, Ricardo, “Lisbona: resilienza/vulnerabilità” in Rassegna di Architettura e Urbanistica magazine issue 159, Italy. ISBN 978-88-229-0442-3.
2019. Fazer uma Escola/ To Build a School Da/ UAL 20, Lopes, João Caria, Ramalhete, Filipa (ed.) Caleidoscópio, Lisboa. ISBN 978-989-658-590-7. Features an interview to Ricardo Carvalho. 2019. Carvalho, Ricardo, “Rule/ Distortion/ Adjustment”, TC Cuadernos, issue 143, Spain. ISBN 978-84-17753-09-2
2018. Haus Wittgenstein, Fundação EDP/ MAAT, Lisbon. ISBN 9789728909727. Features the artist book Tautological Book.
2018. Carvalho, Ricardo, “Sobre a Felicidade ou como Construir o Quotidiano” in Correia, Graça, Ruy Athouguia, Edições Afrontamento, Porto. ISBN: 978-9723616927
2018. Carvalho, Ricardo, “Aires Mateus: Time is the Raw Material”, A+U magazine issue 574, Japan.
2017. Exposed Architecture. Exhibitions, Interludes and Essays, Abascal, Isabel; Ballesteros, Mario (Ed.), PARK Books, Zurich. ISBN 978-3-03860-082-4. Features the project “A Room for Mexico City”.
2017. AN3 magazine issue 01, Italy. Features an interview to Ricardo Carvalho. Text by Giorgia Cesaro.
2017. Carvalho, Ricardo, Is Time A Raw Material? Incipit Editore/ IUAV, Venice. ISBN: 978-8885446182
2017. Carvalho, Ricardo; Carvalho, Jorge, Bandeira, Pedro (ed.), Power/Architecture, Lars Müller, Zurich. ISBN: 978-3037785461
2017. Carvalho, Ricardo, “Apuntes sobre la Praxis“ in Pozo, José Manuel, Construir lo Construido. Campus Ultzama Internacional, Fundación Arquitectura y Sociedad/ T6) Ediciones, Madrid. ISBN 978-8492409839
2017. Carvalho, Ricardo, “Ler Nuno Teotónio Pereira. Uma Realidade Existencial“ in Teotónio Pereira, Nuno, Evolução das Formas de Habitação Plurifamiliar na Cidade de Lisboa, CML, Lisboa. ISBN 978-972-8543-40-2
2017. DEZEEN.com, 10th January, UK. Features the project LC.AC Apartment, Lisbon, Portugal.
2016. Carvalho, Ricardo, “Souto de Moura: O Encontro dos Caminhos que Bifurcam/ Souto de Moura: The Meeting of Forking Paths” in Paredes, Angela García; Pedrosa, Ignacio (eds.), X BIAU, Fundación Arquia, Madrid. ISBN 978-84-61748853.
2016. Exquisite.com, 03rd May, Portugal. Features an interview to Ricardo Carvalho. Text by Nelson Augusto.
2016. Carvalho, Ricardo, “Ruy Jervis Athouguia: A Modern Architect in the Garden City” Do.Co.Mo.Mo Journal magazine issue 55. ISS1380/3204.
2016. Carvalho, Ricardo, “The Ideia of the House. Time and Again“ in Wirz, Heinz (org.), Domestic Thresholds López Rivera Arquitectos, Quart Verlag, Lucern. ISBN 978-3037611418
2016. Carvalho, Ricardo, “Incerteza, Crítica e Arquitectura“ in Crespo, Nuno (org.), Arte Crítica Política, Tinta-da-China, Lisboa. ISBN 978-9896713294
2016. Carvalho, Ricardo, “Tâter l’Incertitude Faire de l’Achitecture“ in Grande, Nuno, Les Universalistes, Éditions Parenthèses/Fondation Calouste Gulbenkian/ La Cité de l’Architecture et du Patrimoine, Paris. ISBN 978-2863643112
2016. Carvalho, Ricardo, A Cidade Social, Tinta-da-China, Lisboa, Portugal. ISBN 9789896712990
2015. ESTUDO PRÉVIO magazine issue 7, Portugal. Features an interview to Ricardo Carvalho. Text by João Caria Lopes and Filipa Ramalhete.
2015. RITA magazine issue 4, Spain. Features the project for the Lima de Freitas School, Setúbal, Portugal.
2015. ORIS magazine issue 93, Croatia. MUDE. Features the project for the Fashion and Design Museum Lisbon, Portugal. Critical text by Rui Mendes.
2015. Carvalho, Ricardo, “Inês Lobo: Indagar o Público. Fazer Arquitectura.” in Inês Lobo. Espaços Públicos, Casa da Cerca, Almada. ISBN: 978-989-728-013-9.
2015. AFASIA blogspot, 17th February, Spain. Features the project for the Lima de Freitas School, Setúbal, Portugal.
2015. Carvalho, Ricardo, “Um Modo de Tactear o Mundo” in Bak Gordon. Architetture Abitate, Electa, Milano. ISBN: 88-918026-5-4
2015. Rough Style: Architecture, Interior, Design, Kramer, Sibylle (ed.), Braun Publishers, Germany. ISBN 978-3-03768-195-4. Features the project for the MUDE, Fashion and Design Museum Lisbon, Portugal.
2015. Carvalho, Ricardo “S. Paulo: A Cidade Suprema é a Cidade Impossível” in XXI Ter Opinião magazine issue 4, Portugal.
2014. CASABELLA magazine issue 839/ 840 September, Italy. Features the project for the Lima de Freitas School, Setúbal, Portugal. Critical text by Frederico Tranfa.
2014. Archdaily.com, 16th May 2014, Chile. Features the project for the Lima de Freitas School, Setúbal, Portugal.
2014. Carvalho, Ricardo, “Be Here Now: Wasted Homeland” in Homeland. Representação Oficial Portuguesa na 14ª Exposição Internacional de Arquitectura da Bienal de Veneza, NOTE/ Instituto das Artes, Lisboa. ISBN: 978-989-97072-8-3.
2014. Archello.com, May 2014, The Netherlands. Features the project for the Lima de Freitas School, Setúbal, Portugal.
2014. Architizer.com, May, USA. Features the project for the Lima de Freitas School, Setúbal, Portugal.
2014. Plataforma arquitectura, 16th May, Chile. Features the project for the Lima de Freitas School, Setúbal, Portugal.
2014. Divisare.com. 4th September, Italy. Features the project for the Lima de Freitas School, Setúbal, Portugal.
2014. Architecture Guide of Refurbished Spaces. Campos, Nuno, Matos, Patrícia (ed), Portugal ISBN 978-972-788-624-1. Features the project for the MUDE, Fashion and Design Museum Lisbon, Portugal and Sebastião da Gama School, Setúbal, Portugal.
2014. Carvalho, Ricardo, “Un Arma Llamada Resiliencia”, ARQUINE magazine issue 67, Mexico. ISSN 1405-6151.
2013. Carvalho, Ricardo, “Habitar: da Cidade-Campo à Cidade-Difusa” in Carvalho, Ricardo; Ramalhete, Filipa (ed.) Habitar Investigar Pensar Fazer, Ediual Lisboa. ISBN: 9789898191410.
2013. Carvalho, Ricardo; Ramalhete, Filipa (ed.), Habitar Investigar Pensar Fazer, EdiUal, Lisboa. ISBN: 978-989-819-141-0
2013. Lisbon Architecture Guide 1948/2013. Melo, Maria, Toussaint, Michel (ed), A+A Books, Lisboa, Portugal. ISBN 978-989-98462-0-3. Features the project for the MUDE, Fashion and Design Museum Lisbon, Portugal. Critical text by Michel Toussaint.
2013. Divisare.com, 3rd September, Italy. Features the project for the Hotel in the Douro Vinneyards, Sabrosa, Portugal.
2013. Plataforma arquitectura, 14th August, Chile. Features the project for the Hotel in the Douro Vinneyards, Sabrosa, Portugal.
2013. Gessato.com, 6th August, USA. Features the project for the Hotel in the Douro Vinneyards, Sabrosa, Portugal.
2013. Archdaily.com, 2nd August, Brazil. Features the project for the Hotel in the Douro Vinneyards, Sabrosa, Portugal.
2013. Carvalho, Ricardo, “Bak Gordon: Inverted Ruins” 2G magazine issue 64, Spain. ISBN: 978-8-4252-2505-5.
2013. Construir journal issue 241, 22nd March. Features the project for the Sebastião da Gama School in Setúbal, Portugal.
2012. FUTURE magazine issue 35/36, Spain. Features the project for the Lisbon Cruise Terminal Competition Entry (shortlist).
2012. Lisbon Ground catalogue Lobo, Inês (Ed.), 13th Venice Biennale/ DGA Portugal ISBN 978-989-8518-01-9. Features the project for the MUDE, Fashion and Design Museum Lisbon, Portugal.
2012. B1 magazine Issue 57, June, Tailand. Features the project for the Exhibition Design for EDP Young Artists EDP Museum Lisbon, Portugal. Critical text by Pongkamon Wong-Ubol.
2012. Plataforma arquitectura, 2nd August, Chile. Features the project for the Santa Cruz Civic Center, Portugal (competition entry).
2012. AFASIA blogspot, 16th July, Spain. Features the project for the Santa Cruz Civic Center, Portugal (competition entry).
2012. Solidform.com, 8th March, UK. Features the project for the Sebastião da Gama School, Setúbal, Portugal.
2012. ArchDaily.com, 8th March, Brazil. Features the project for the Sebastião da Gama School, Setúbal, Portugal.
2012. Plataforma arquitectura, 6th March, Chile. Features the project for the Sebastião da Gama School, Setúbal, Portugal.
2012. Divisare.com, 16th February, Italy. Features the project for the Sebastião da Gama School, Setúbal, Portugal.
2012. AFASIA blogspot, 14th February, Spain. Features the project for the Sebastião da Gama School, Setúbal, Portugal.
2011. FRAMEWB.com 26th November, the Netherlands. Features the project for the EDP Young Artists Exhibition Design.
2011. ArchDaily.com, 16th December, Brazil. Features the project for the EDP Young Artists Exhibition Design.
2011. Arch-Manual. Design, Concept, Script, Process, AADCU Publishers, China, ISBN 13: 978-7-214-07099-9. Features the project for the MUDE, Fashion and Design Museum, Lisbon, Portugal.
2011. Tradition is Innovation. Exhibition of Contemporary Architecture in Portugal catalogue, Baptista, Gonçalo; Shiki, Yutaka (ed.), Ozone Living Center/ Point of View, Tokyo, Japan. Features the project for the MUDE Fashion and Design Museum, Lisbon, Portugal.
2011. Plataforma arquitectura, 17th October, Chile. Features the project for the MUDE Fashion and Design Museum, Lisbon, Portugal.
2011. ArchDaily.com, 16th October, Chile. Features the project for the MUDE Fashion and Design Museum, Lisbon, Portugal.
2011. 1000 x European Architects, Braun Publishers, Germany, ISBN 13:978-3037680872. Features the project for the Sebastião da Gama School, Setúbal, Portugal.
2011. OVERLAPPINGS. Seis Ateliers de Arquitectura Portugueses, Fundação EDP, Lisbon. Features the projects for the Sebastião da Gama School, Setúbal, Portugal and MUDE Fashion and Design Museum, Lisbon, Portugal. Critical text by Jonathan Sergison.
2011. Carvalho, Ricardo, “Aires Mateus. On the Permanence of ideas”, El Croquis magazine issue 154, Spain.
2011. aU magazine, issue 203, Brazil. Features the project for the MUDE Lisbon Design and Fashion Museum. Text by Mariana Kindle.
2011. HINGE magazine, issue 186, Hong Kong. Features the project for the MUDE Lisbon Design and Fashion Museum.
2011. AIT magazine, issue 09, Germany. Features the project for the MUDE Lisbon Design and Fashion Museum.
2011. Contemporary Museums. Architecture, History, Collections, van Uffelen, Chris (Ed.) BRAUN Publishing, Germany. ISBN 978 3 03768 067 4. Features the project for the MUDE Lisbon Design and Fashion Museum. 2010.
2010. Patio and Pavilion in Sardo, Delfim (Ed.), Let’s Talk About Houses: Competitions, Trienal de Arquitectura de Lisboa/ Athena, Lisbon. ISBN 978-989-31-0007-3. Features the project for the House in Luanda Competition Entry.
2010. ARQ/A magazine issue 84/85, Portugal. Features an interview to Ricardo Carvalho. Text by Luís Santiago Baptista and Paula Melâneo.
2010. ARQUITECTURA IBÉRICA magazine, issue 34, Portugal. Features the project for the MUDE Lisbon Design and Fashion Museum.
2010. AFASIA blogspot, 5th June, Spain. Features the project for the MUDE Lisbon Design and Fashion Museum.
2010. DÉDALO magazine, issue 7, Portugal. Features the text “Notes on a Practice” by Ricardo Carvalho and the project for MUDE Lisbon Design and Fashion Museum.
2010. PROJECTO 10 magazine, issue 3 “Ruptura”, 18th April, Portugal. Features the project for MUDE Lisbon Design and Fashion Museum.
2010. FRAME magazine, issue 72 January, The Netherlands. Features the project for the MUDE Lisbon Design and Fashion Museum. 2009. ARQ/A magazine issue 71/ 72, Portugal. Features an interview to Ricardo Carvalho. Text by Luís Santiago Baptista and Margarida Ventosa. Features the project for the MUDE Lisbon Design and Fashion Museum.
2009. ICON magazine, issue 77, UK. Features the project for the MUDE Lisbon Design and Fashion Museum. Critical text by Justin McGuirk.
2009. ARCHITECTURAL RECORD magazine, issue 9, September, USA. Features the project for the MUDE Lisbon Design and Fashion Museum. Critical text by David Cohn.
2009. OVERLAPPINGS. Six Portuguese Architectural Studios exhibition catalogue, RIBA, London. Features the projects for the Sebastião da Gama School, Setúbal, Portugal and MUDE Fashion and Design Museum, Lisbon, Portugal. Critical text by Jonathan Sergison.
2009 Jornal Público/ P2, “Fazer um Museu numa Ruína do Século XX”, 21th May, Portugal. Features the project for MUDE. Text by Alexandra Prado Coelho.
2009 Carvalho, Ricardo (ed.), Architektur: Portugal Ausserhalb Portugals/ Arquitectura: Portugal Fora de Portugal, Aedes am Pfefferberg, Berlin. ISBN 978-972-8897-29-1.
2009. Living City/ Habitar a Cidade, Neves, José Manuel (ed.), TrueTeam Lisbon. ISBN 978-989-8346-01-8. Features the project for the LA.ST Apartment, Lisbon. Critical text by Nuno Grande.
2007. WALLPAPER city Guide: Lisbon. Phaidon Press, London. ISBN 9780714847245. Features the project for the Left bar in Lisbon.
2007. FRAME magazine, issue 55 March/ April, The Netherlands. Features the project for the Left bar in Lisbon. Critical text by Margarida Ventosa.
2007. NC XXI, Capucho, Diogo, Ramalho, Maria José (ed.) Trienal de Arquitectura de Lisboa/ CM Cascais. ISBN 978 972 637 171 7. Features the project for the CIUC Competion Entry (2nd prize).
2007. Imitación y Experiencia en el Proyecto Arquitectónico – IV Taller Internacional de Arquitectura, Quesada, Santiago (ed.), Universidad Internacional de Andalucia. ISBN 978-84-7993-047-9. Features the studio project coordinated by Ricardo Carvalho and José Adrião.
2006. ARQUITECTURA IBÉRICA magazine, issue 13, Portugal. Features the project for the Left bar in Lisbon.
2006. WORLD ARCHITECTURE magazine, issue 187, China. Features the text “A Visit to Panorama” by Ricardo Carvalho and the projects of Left bar in Lisbon and a Mix use building in Viseu.
2006. Carvalho, Ricardo, “Morada: rua, casa”, JA – Jornal Arquitectos magazine issue 224, Portugal.
2005 LINHA magazine, issue 5. Portugal. Features the project for the Left bar in Lisbon. Critical text by Stefano Riva.
2003 Carvalho, Ricardo, “A Arte da Oscilação/ The Art of Oscillation” in Gadanho, P; Tavares Pereira, L (ed.) Influx: Arquitectura Portuguesa Recente, Civilização, Porto. ISBN 9722621335.
2001. Carvalho, Ricardo “Portuguese Fan Tutti” in JA– Jornal Arquitectos magazine, issue 202, Portugal.
1996. JA– Jornal Arquitectos magazine, issue 159, Portugal. Features the project for the Thyssen Architecture Prize: Coach Museum and Portuguese School of Equestrian Art, Lisbon, Portugal.